Games and Mathematics in Education for Adults
Compendium, Guidebook and Courses for Numeracy Learning Methods based on Games
European Erasmus+ Project No. 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002260 to 2018
Meetings, conferences, activities and events according to the terminologie and the numbers of the Math-GAMES-application (MG) and other dissemination meetings and conferences, in which members of Math-GAMES took part
M1 (First Transnational Project Meeting (Kick Off Meeting)): 24./25.10.2015 in Schrobenhausen/Germany
MG 1st meeting Germany Invitation.doc 08.10.2015
MG 1st Meeting Germany Agenda.docx 08.10.2015
MG 1st Meeting Germany Evaluation Report.pdf 03.01.2016
M2 (Second Transnational Project Meeting): 27./28.02.2016 in Messini/Kalamata/Greece
MG 2nd Meeting Greece Invitation.docx 16.11.2015
MG 2nd Meeting Greece Agenda.docx 19.02.2016
MG 2nd Meeting Greece Evaluation Report.pdf 10.03.2016
EuroMATH Conference in Thessaloniki: 30.03. - 02.04.2016
Math-GAMES day in Italy (Istituto Copmprensivo Cena, Cerveteri): 24.05.2016
Report by the internal evaluation group
Monitoring Meeting of the German National Agency BIBB in Bonn: 16.06.2016
Photo 1: MG monitoring meeting in Bonn.JPG
Photo 2: MG monitoring meeting in Bonn 2.JPG
MG Programm Monitoring in Bonn.pdf
M3 (Third Transnational Project Meeting): 18./19.06.2016 in Bucharest/Romania
MG 3rd Meeting Romania Invitation.doc 08.03.2016
MG 3rd Meeting Romania Agenda.docx 04.06.2016
MG 3rd Meeting Romania Evaluation Report.pdf 26.06.2016
Math-GAMES Activity in Spain (Education Center for Adults FPA, Beniassent): 06.07.2016
Math-GAMES Activity by Agentur Kultur (Epale Conference in Aachen, Germany): 08.09.2016
M4 (Fourth Transnational Project Meeting): 19./20.11.2016 in Paris/France
MG 4th Meeting France Agenda.docx 06.10.2016
MG 4th Meeting France Invitation.doc 06.10.2016
MG 4th Meeting France Evaluation Report.pdf 25.11.2016
Math-GAMES Activity in Spain (Education Center for Adults FPA, Beniassent) - Evaluation Report
Report Math-GAMES at FPA Beniassent.pdf 12.01.2017
M5 (Fifth Transnational Project Meeting): 21./22.01.2017 in Cerveteri/Roma/Italy
MG 5th Meeting Italy Agenda.docx 07.12.2016
MG 5th Meeting Italy Invitation.doc 07.12.2016
MG 5th Meeting Italy Evaluation Report.pdf 27.01.2017
Fotobericht der Regionalkonferenz Hamm am 03.03.2017
Regionalkonferenz NRW „Grundbildung im digitalen Wandel“ am 03. März 2017 in Hamm
M6 (Sixth Transnational Project Meeting): 25./26.03.2017 in Cocentaina/Spain
MG 6th Meeting Spain Invitation.pdf 30.01.2017
MG 6th Meeting Spain Agenda.pdf 30.01.2017
MG 6th Meeting Spain Evaluation Report.pdf 31.03.2017
Article and radio report from the meeting in Cocentaina (in Spanish)
EuroMATH Conference in Bucharest: 29.03. - 02.04.2017
Evaluation Conference of Agentur-Kultur, Munich, Germany, 16.05.2017
M7 (Seventh Transnational Project Meeting): 20th to 22nd of October 2017 in Sofia/Bulgaria
MG 7th Meeting Bulgaria Invitation.pdf
MG 7th Meeting Bulgaria Evaluation Report.pdf 27.10.2017
E3.1 (Multiplier Event 3.1): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 14.06.2017 in Buchenried bei Starnberg/Germany
Programm der Disseminations-Konferenz
E3.2 (Multiplier Event 3.2): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 15.09.2017 in Munich/Germany
Announcement of the Dissemination Conference in Munich
E3.3 (Multiplier Event 3.3): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 07.12.2017 in Munich/Germany
Announcement of the Dissemination Workshop in Munich
Grundbildung im bvv am 7.12.2017 in München
E3.4 (Multiplier Event 3.4): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: Monday, 22.01.2018 in Hannover/Germany
Programm der Disseminations-Konferenz in Hannover
E3.5 (Multiplier Event 3.5): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: Wednesday, 17.05.2018 in Munich, Germany
Photo-Report of the Dissemination Conference
E4 (Multiplier Event 4): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 01.09.2017 - 31.12.2017 in Italy
E4 Other games presentation in IT.pdf
E5 (Multiplier Event 5): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 07.11.2017 in Spain
External link to the Photo-Report (85 pictures)
E7 (Multiplier Event 7): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 01.09.2017 - 31.12.2017 in France
E8 (Multiplier Event 8): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 06.11.2017 in RomaniaE8 (Multiplier Event 8): Press article written by Daniela Cojocea in the newspaper "Ziua de Constanta" about the Dissemination Conference
E9 (Multipler Event 9): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 21.02.2018 in Greece
E10 (Multipler Event 10): Math-GAMES Dissemination Conference: 03./04.10.2017 in Bulgaria
EuroMATH Conference in Cracow: 07.03. - 11.03.2018
Regionalkonferenz zur Grundbildung in Bayern am 21.03.2018
Fotobericht der Regionalkonferenz Bayern in München am 21.03.2018
Regionalkonferenz Bayern „Perspektiven für mehr Participation“ am 21.03.2018 im VHS-Haus München
M8 (Eights Transnational Project Meeting): 23rd to 25th of March 2018 in Larnaca/Cyprus
M8 (Eighth Transnational Project Meeting): 24.03.2018 in Nicosia/Cyprus
MG 8th Meeting in Larnaca Evaluation Report.pdf 02.04.2018
C1 Piloting and Evaluating of the Math-GAMES Teacher Training Course: 24.03. to 28.03.2018 in Larnaca/Cyprus
Foto-Report of the C1 Pilot-Course in Larnaca 02.04.3018
E1 (Multipler Event 1): Math-GAMES International Seminar: 29.03.2018 in Nicosia/Cyprus
E1 (Multiplier Event 1): Math-GAMES International Seminar: 29.03.2018 in Nicosia/Cyprus
Foto-Report of the E1 Seminar in Nicosia 02.04.3018
E2 (Multipler Event 2): Math-GAMES International Dissemination Conference: 29.03.2018 in Nicosia/Cyprus
E2 (Multiplier Event 2): Math-GAMES International Conference: 29.03.2018 in Nicosia/Cyprus
Foto-Report of the E2 Dissemination Conference in Nicosia 02.04.3018
M9 (Nineth and last Transnational Project Meeting): 17.05 to 20.05.2018 in Munich/Germany
MG 9th Meeting Germany Invitation.pdf 02.01.2018
MG 9th Meeting Germany Report.pdf 04.06.2018
Special used materials of the meetings in Cyprus
3.2 The Game MathScrabble.pptx
6.3 Calculator Hopscotch lesson plan.pptx
Agenda of the meetings E1 E2 29.03.2018.docx
Math Games by Nicoletta Ioannou.pptx
All about EPALE Nicoletta Ioannou.mp4
BG Interior for a Fun Classroom in Mathematics.pdf
BG Interior for a Fun Classroom in Mathematics.pptx
Lesson Plan by Laura Timpano.pptx
Lesson Plan Template by Laura Timpano.docx
Using Games in Learning Math by Valcho Milchev.pptx
The Math-Games-Methodology by Andreas Skotinos.pptx
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Download Intellectual Output IO3: |
Download some translated files from above Intellectual Output IO3: Math-GAMES Teacher Training Course and Seminar e-Presentation by Powerpoint-Files |
Download Intellectual Output IO4: |
EN IO4 Math-GAMES Testing- and Evaluation Report | Evaluation Results from all participating countries DE RO ES EL CY FR IT BG and in EN.docx |
Review of the Italian Team about Math-GAMES.pptm |
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